SIMS 4 - Winter Modern Cabin House - DL + CC

January 12, 2020

Playtested! You have to activate cheat the ''bb.moveobjects'' before you place the lot.

CC Credits Links

(Tray Files + CC)

(Link in video description)

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2 comentários

  1. so the downlad link includes cc and tray file, where should i unpack this? to the tray folder?
    you are amazing, you need more recognition, it's amazing
    found you yesterday and am trying to downlad all your work :D
    (sorry for english)

    1. Don't worry your English is good 😊
      After extract the download you have the tray files and a mods folder you just need put the tray files inside
      in your tray folder located in your sims 4 documents and the mods folder inside your mods folder located in the documents too I hope this help 😊
